Understanding Pain

Those who follow science might say that pain happens when neurons fire and it’s a way for our body to provide feedback. Those who trust intuition might think that pain is our body’s way of indicating an imbalance or a need for change. No matter what you believe, your body is communicating with you through pain, and you need to pay attention.

Classifying Pain: Exploring the Four Categories

Pain is subjective, meaning that it varies from person to person in intensity, form, and cause. Despite its subjectivity, pain can be categorized, allowing us to develop methods to understand and ease it. This article will examine the following four categories of pain:

  • Acute
  • Structural and myofascial
  • Chemical/biological
  • Mental and emotional

As previously noted, pain is a subjective and unique experience, so my descriptions and treatments may differ in accuracy from person to person. To begin, let’s discuss the most common and straightforward type of pain: Acute.

Acute Pain

Acute pain typically occurs immediately after a physical injury, such as a broken bone, a burn, or a deep cut. In cases like these, the appropriate treatment is clear: seek medical attention at the emergency room. However, for minor injuries, consider the following tips:

  • To alleviate minor burns, such as sunburn or oil splashes, applying coconut oil or aloe vera directly to the affected area can be incredibly helpful. Coconut oil is an effective moisturizer for the skin, while aloe vera has a cooling effect and can almost immediately reduce the suffering.
  • Minor cuts that do not require stitches typically heal on their own and only require thorough washing and cleaning. However, the primary concern with small cuts is the risk of infection, making proper sanitation crucial.
  • For bumps, bruises, stubbed toes, and sprains, rest is the best course of action. If an activity causes increased pain, it’s likely that you’re overexerting yourself, which can prolong the recovery process. Instead, take it easy for a few days and allow your body to heal itself naturally. 

Myofascial and Structural Pain

While not identical, acute pain and structural/myofascial pain do share some similarities. With appropriate intervention, both can potentially be resolved quickly and effectively, often through the care of a skilled chiropractor.

Myofascial pain is often caused by trigger points, which are tight, contracted muscles that can cause ache in other areas of the body. Trigger points can be easily relieved by applying pressure to the tender area. However, for severe cases or hard-to-reach knots, dry needling using acupuncture needles may be necessary.

Dry needling is a technique that uses acupuncture needles to address severe trigger points. The needle insertion causes rapid contractions and relaxation of the muscle, resulting in twitching in the referred pain area. Structural issues, such as misaligned vertebrae or incorrectly healed injuries, can be corrected through personalized treatment plans developed by a competent chiropractor. In cases where bones have healed incorrectly, the best option may be to re-break and allow them to heal in the correct position, despite the ache.

Chiropractors are usually the best option for most structural issues since they diagnose and create a personalized treatment plan based on your specific problems.

Chemical and Biological

Pain that arises from chemical and biological pathology can be difficult to identify and describe. Simplifying the explanation will make the premise behind the theory clearer.

Chemical and biological pain can be divided into two groups: toxicity and deficiency. These groups can compound on each other. Deficiencies in essential nutrients can cause body operations to slow and eventually fail. Scurvy is an example of a deficiency disease that can cause suffering. When ascorbate stores are depleted, and not enough collagen is consumed to keep up with cellular repair, the symptoms of scurvy manifest, and this is painful. Toxicity can also cause mental and emotional anguish as well as physical pain.

Many people believe cancer is caused by toxins and is extremely painful. Toxins enter the body and the body works hard to detoxify them continuously. This process is both metabolically and nutritionally expensive and can deplete nutrients rapidly. A lack of nutrients can lead to chronic illnesses caused by exposure to toxins over a prolonged period of time, such as living in a moldy house or having chronic exposure to mercury from amalgam fillings.

The solution to addressing chronic illnesses caused by toxins is both simple and complex. Firstly, it involves addressing nutritional deficiencies and providing adequate nutrition. Secondly, removing the source of toxicity is crucial. While this can be a long and expensive process, it is possible to do it on your own. Alternatively, you could seek help from a holistic healer or naturopath who has access to a bioresonance/Rife machine.

Mental and Emotional Pain

Talking about the emotional or mental aspect of chronic pain can be tough as it’s abstract and complex. If the affliction is not caused by any physical factors, it’s likely linked to emotional or mental causes. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is the first therapy to address the emotional or mental causes of pain. This involves tapping meridians on the body, repeating affirmations, and becoming aware of the pain. The somatic experiencing therapy is another treatment option.

Both EFT and somatic experiencing therapies focus on awareness as a critical element in addressing emotional or mental agony. But, it can still be difficult to confront and persist through the suffering, as it may be overwhelming to face. To tackle this, building up awareness gradually over time is crucial.

When we bring awareness to emotional or mental pain, we may face the same level of difficulty and pain as before. We need to be better prepared, stronger, and more resourced to face the challenge this time, or we’ll falter just like before.

We all try to avoid pain, but pain is necessary for us to experience pleasure. Rather than pushing it aside, accepting pain can lead to healing and growth. Pain is a physical manifestation of the potential to renew and grow. I hope this information has been helpful to you in easing your ache, and I wish you a pleasant day.

Watch this video: How I healed *SO QUICKLY*

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